Religion sculpture at The Sculpture Park refers to artwork that shows a religious scene, person, being, or symbol. It may depict anything from a famous religious figure to a significant event or symbol important to a religion. This sculpture helps viewers connect with and understand different religious beliefs through art.
In Prayer by Tinei Mashaya
£4,800 inc VATIn Prayer by Tinei Mashaya, Stone
Shona sculpture depicting a woman with her hands to the sky in prayer. Black and grey sculpture with rocks at the base.
Anon Unknown
A Pair of Temple Guardians (Dvarapala) from Bali by Anon. Unknown
£48,000 inc VATA Pair of Temple Guardians (Dvarapala) from Bali, Stone
Corinthian Helmet by Kidi Jansen
£1,020 inc VATCorinthian Helmet by Kidi Jansen, Bronze
Bronze sculpture of a Corinthian helmet.
Devil Head by Anon. Unknown
£1,140 inc VATDevil Head by Anon. Unknown, Bronze
Bronze sculpture of a faceless head with its neck turned as if looking right at you. This bust has 2 horns on top of it’s head.
Anon Unknown
Antique Cherub Vase by Anon. Unknown
£900 inc VATAntique Cherub Vase by Anon. Unknown, Stone
Anon Unknown
Saint Francis of Assisi
£72,000 inc VATSaint Francis of Assisi, Bronze, Steel
Monumental bronze figurative sculpture of Francis of Assisi, deep in thought.
Guardian Angel by Simon Chidharara
£500 inc VATGuardian Angel by Simon Chidharara, Serpentine Stone
Anon Unknown
Laughing Buddha
£2,160 inc VATLaughing Buddha, Bronze, 38cm high, 59cm wide, 37cm deep
Ascending Angel by Givemore Mashaya
£5,400 inc VATAscending Angel by Givemore Mashaya, Springstone
Rabbi Hassidic Dance by Daniel Kafri
£6,000 inc VATRabbi Hassidic Dance by Daniel Kafri, Bronze
Rolls Royce, Spirit of Ecstacy by Charles Robinson Sykes
£1,050 inc VATRolls Royce, Spirit of Ecstasy by Charles Robinson Sykes, Aluminium
Accusing Angel by Bob Crutchley
£3,600 inc VATAccusing Angel by Bob Crutchley, Bronze
Unique bronze sculpture of an angel with finger pointing accusingly
Mary, Joseph, Angels & Wiseman by Sylvester Mubayi
£23,400 inc VATMary, Joseph, Angels & Wiseman by Sylvester Mubayi, Stone
Bronze Resin
Angel III by Simon Stringer
£12,960 inc VATAngel III by Simon Stringer, Bronze Resin
Unique bronze resin sculpture of two figures. One figure is kneeling and the other is sitting on their shoulders holding up two wing like structures.
The Delights of Eden by Jim Unsworth
£38,880 inc VATThe Delights of Eden by Jim Unsworth, Welded Steel
Ecclesiaste by Valentino Dodica
£2,340 inc VATEcclesiaste, Bronze
Signed, bronze sculpture of the figure of a bearded man with a cloak and bare feet. He is sitting on the ground with his knees bent up and arms wrapped over them.
Madonna and Child by Quentin Clemence
£19,128 inc VATMadonna and Child by Quentin Clemence, Copper
Harvest Festival by Locardia Ndandarika
£7,200 inc VATHarvest Festival by Locardia Ndandarika, Serpentine
The Miraculous Arrival by Land and Sea of the Saint into the West by Noah Taylor
£10,800 inc VATThe Miraculous Arrival by Land and Sea of the Saint into the West by Noah Taylor, Forged and fabricated steel
Artists Statement: ‘The work alludes to the mythical ways by which certain Saints during the early centuries AD visited these shores to spread Christianity. Millstones, leaves and other fantastical craft were employed. Referring to our modern world, this version has similarities to a Windsurfer, Stand Up Paddle Board, Windcart and Skateboard. The Saint steering his way into the Westcountry bears resemblance to the logo of the iconic 60???s television series. He, like his ship, is only partially incorporated adding to the mystery???’
Big G by Vilas Silverton
£4,320 inc VATBig G is part of a series of works called Zen Rogue Portraits that have grown out of Vilas’s interest in the role of figurative art in ritual and worship.
Combining his interest in religious statuary, devotional imagery and his own inner practice, he shows alternatives to the accepted western view of what constitutes spirituality.
Rather than repeat and reinforce traditional depictions of holiness (for example haloed saints), Vilas has tried to show vulnerable characters whose innate goodness may not be readily apparent.
The Zen Rogue characters may be seen as works in progress, ???saints-in-the-making??? rather than finished, perfected beings.
Big G is a homage to a portrait bust of St Gregory the Moor by an unknown German artistThe holes in the body suggest that they could be paraded round the streets during religious festivals. Most reliquaries also have holes and openings where people can peer inside hoping to catch a glimpse of something special.
Deity Head by Patricia Volk
£2,520 inc VATDeity Head by Patricia Volk, Ceramic , Stoneware
Unique sculpture of a painted stoneware head. Maroon, tan and cream kidney shapes are painted on a black background along with sky blue snowflake like shapes.
Ambulare Cum Deo by Dennis Kilgallon
£3,000 inc VATWe will be adding details soon about Dennis Kilgallon – Ambulare Cum Deo to this website, for any more information please contact Eddie Powell on 07831 500 506.