Bronze sculpture is among one of the most popular mediums within the art world. They are long lasting, difficult to damage, and don’t lose value. A broad spectrum of artists use Bronze as their chosen medium to work with. There are variety of techniques and methods used to cast Bronze works, and among them the most common is the ‘Lost Wax’ method.
Animals and Birds
Prowling Wolves by Claire Trenchard
£70,000 inc VATProwling Wolves by Claire Trenchard, Set of four wolves, Bronze,
All Sculpture
Giant Galapagos Tortoise by Gill Parker
£35,000 inc VATGiant Galapagos Tortoise by Gill Parker, Life size, Bronze,
Animals and Birds
Monumental Cranes by John Cox
£21,600 inc VATMonumental Cranes by John Cox, Bronze,
Animals and Birds
Dragonfly by Clare Tupman
£18,000 inc VATDragonfly by Clare Tupman, Bronze and Stainless Steel
Animals and Birds
Dragon VII by Johne Gratton
£1,100 inc VATDragon VII by Johne Gratton, Steel and Wood
Ornamental steel handmade sculpture of a dragon on a gnarly wooden base.
Animals and Birds
Dragon VI by Johne Gratton
£1,100 inc VATDragon VI by Johne Gratton, Steel and Wood
Ornamental steel handmade sculpture of a dragon on a gnarly wooden base.
Animals and Birds
Dragon V by Johne Gratton
£1,100 inc VATDragon V by Johne Gratton, Steel and Wood
Unique tabletop steel sculpture of a dragon on a wood base.
Animals and Birds
Dragon IX by Johne Gratton
£1,100 inc VATDragon IX by Johne Gratton, Steel and Wood
Ornamental sculpture of a steel dragon draped around natural gnarly wood.
Animals and Birds
Dragon IV by Johne Gratton
£1,100 inc VATDragon IV by Johne Gratton, Steel and Bronze
Tabletop bronze and steel sculpture of a dragon.
Animals and Birds
Dragon III by Johne Gratton
£1,100 inc VATDragon III by Johne Gratton, Bronze
Tabletop Bronze Sculpture of a Dragon
Dragon Candle Holder by Johne Gratton
£1,100 inc VATDragon Candle Holder by Johne Gratton, Bronze and Wood
Reflection by Judith Holmes Drewry
£10,800 inc VATReflection by Judith Holmes Drewry, Bronze,
Animals and Birds
Prowling Wolves IV by Claire Trenchard
£18,000 inc VATProwling Wolves by Claire Trenchard, Wolf IV, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Prowling Wolves III by Claire Trenchard
£18,000 inc VATProwling Wolves by Claire Trenchard, Wolf III, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Prowling Wolves II by Claire Trenchard
£18,000 inc VATProwling Wolves by Claire Trenchard, Wolf II, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Prowling Wolves I by Claire Trenchard
£18,000 inc VATProwling Wolves by Claire Trenchard, Wolf I, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Man and Horse by Janis Ridley
£26,000 inc VATMan and Horse by Janis Ridley, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Wild Deer Leaping by Claire Norrington
£54,000 inc VATWild Deer Leaping by Claire Norrington, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Birds on the Vine by Anon Unknown
£650 inc VATBirds on the Vine by Anon Unknown, Bronze
Wall Hanging Bronze Figure by Anon Unknown
£1,140 inc VATWall Hanging Bronze Figure by Anon Unknown, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Rearing Horse by Sean Crampton
£4,800 inc VATRearing Horse by Sean Crampton, Bronze
The Visitor 75cm Black Patination by Guido Deleu
£3,500 inc VATThe Visitor by Guido Deleu, Black Patina, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Swan Water Feature by Anon Unknown
£3,000 inc VATSwan Water Feature by Anon Unknown, Bronze
Bullish Star by Marc Caelenberghe
£2,160 inc VATBullish Star by Marc Caelenberghe, Bronze with Unusual Patina
Gaia-Earth Mother by Nicola Godden
£14,500 inc VATGaia-Earth Mother by Nicola Godden, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Running Hare by Sarah Lewington
£2,400 inc VATRunning Hare by Sarah Lewington, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Pair of Stags on Rocks
£6,000 inc VATPair of Stags on Rocks by Anon Unknown, Bronze