Animals and Birds
Animals and Birds sculpture is a popular category, appealing to many buyers and collectors of art. Sculptures can range from those of dogs, cats and horses as well as fish, owl and hare sculptures. Monkeys, cattle and chickens are also very popular animal and birds sculptures and can be displayed indoors and outdoors.
Animals and Birds
Happy New Family by Vengai Chiwawa
£4,500 inc VATHappy New Family by Vengai Chiwawa, Opal Stone
Animals and Birds
Giant Flamingo by Pierre Diamantopoulo
£11,520 inc VATGiant Flamingo by Pierre Diamantopoulo, Powder Coated Steel
Barra Suite 2 by Tim Threlfall
£2,880 inc VATBarra Suite 2 by Tim Threlfall, Stone
Unique, abstract, stone sculpture which is set at an angle so that it appears tilted. A hole has been carved into the centre.
Animals and Birds
Crocodile (medium) by Anon Unknown
£6,600 inc VATCrocodile (medium) by Anon Unknown, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Enormous Crocodile by Anon Unknown
£9,000 inc VATEnormous Crocodile by Anon Unknown, Bronze – Water Feature
Animals and Birds
Leaping Salmon by Shephard Deve
£3,000 inc VATLeaping Salmon by Shephard Deve, Springstone and White Dolimite
Animals and Birds
Silverback Gorilla by Mike Triton
£6,816 inc VATSilverback Gorilla by Mike Triton, Reconstituted Stone
Animals and Birds
Duelo De Toros by Maria Bayardo
£42,600 inc VATDuelo De Toros (Bullfight) by Maria Bayardo, Resin
Animals and Birds
The Sentinel with base by Bob Crutchley
£12,000 inc VATThe Sentinel with base by Bob Crutchley, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Pair of Stone Wild Boars on Plinths by Mike Triton
£12,300 inc VATPair of Stone Wild Boars on Plinths by Mike Triton, Stone
Animals and Birds
Walking St Bernard Cross “Ellie” by Tanya Russell
£4,450 inc VATWalking St Bernard Cross “Ellie” by Tanya Russell, Bronze Resin
After Fredrick Remington
Horse and Rider by After Fredrick Remington
£5,940 inc VATHorse and Rider by After Fredrick Remington, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Gorilla Bust by Ed Harrison
£2,160 inc VATGorilla Bust by Ed Harrison, Bath Stone
Animals and Birds
Family Unit by Fungai Dodzo
£10,800 inc VATFamily Unit by Fungai Dodzo, Springstone
Animals and Birds
Oriental Stone Dragon by Anon Unknown
£3,360 inc VATOriental Stone Dragon by Anon Unknown, Marble
Barra Suite 11 by Tim Threlfall
£2,880 inc VATBarra Suite 11 by Tim Threlfall, Stone
Unique, abstract stone sculpture with a fan like shape and deep ridges.
Barra Suite 3 by Tim Threlfall
£2,880 inc VATBarra Suite 3 by Tim Threlfall, Stone
Abstract stone sculpture with two uprights and a hollow centre. The carved surface is rough in texture.
Animals and Birds
Drinking Horse by Taurai Maisiri
£3,600 inc VATDrinking Horse by Taurai Maisiri, Opal Stone
Animals and Birds
Fox and Hare by Lucia Corrigan
£1,140 inc VATFox and Hare by Lucia Corrigan, Chicken Wire
Animals and Birds
Kingsale Hounds by Mike Triton
£10,260 inc VATKingsale Hounds by Mike Triton, Reconstituted Stone
Price is for the pair and includes plinths -
Animals and Birds
Family Reunion by Collen Nyanhongo
£7,140 inc VATFamily Reunion by Collen Nyanhongo, Springstone
Polo the Polar Bear by Liam Hopkins
£11,400 inc VATPolo the Polar Bear by Liam Hopkins, Metal
Animals and Birds
Pelican by Brendan Hesmondhalgh
£7,140 inc VATPelican by Brendan Hesmondhalgh, Stone
All Sculpture
Kissing Giraffes by Fannie Mupanga
£3,600 inc VATKissing Giraffes by Fannie Mupanga, Springstone
Animals and Birds
Gazelle Family by Fungai Dodzo
£2,200 inc VATGazelle Family by Fungai Dodzo, Springstone
Animals and Birds
Samson Slays the Lion by Richard Minns
£390,000 inc VATSamson Slays the Lion by Richard Minns, Bronze, Steel
Animals and Birds
Red Squirrel by Reginald Price
£3,600 inc VATRed Squirrel by Reginald Price, Ceramic, Wood
Animals and Birds
£2,160 inc VATFreya by Anon Unknown, Bronze
Bronze sculpture of horse with elongated legs
Caballo De Malaga by Maria Bayardo
£2,640 inc VATCaballo De Malaga by Maria Bayardo, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Umbrella Stork
£2,000 inc VATUmbrella Stork, Steel, Unique
Steel sculpture of a stork standing with wings raised and curled over its beak
Animals and Birds
Tortoise by Clive Fredriksson
£1,200 inc VATTortoise by Clive Fredriksson, Wood
Wooden sculpture of a tortoise
Animals and Birds
Iguanas on Tree by Anon Unknown
£3,600 inc VATIguanas on Tree by Anon Unknown, Wood
Andrew Sinclair
Moodius Centaurus by Andrew Sinclair
£2,160 inc VATMoodius Centaurus by Andrew Sinclair, Bronze Resin