Animals and Birds
Animals and Birds sculpture is a popular category, appealing to many buyers and collectors of art. Sculptures can range from those of dogs, cats and horses as well as fish, owl and hare sculptures. Monkeys, cattle and chickens are also very popular animal and birds sculptures and can be displayed indoors and outdoors.
Animals and Birds
Polar Bear (Icebear) by Paul Smith
£2,350 inc VATPolar Bear (Icebear) by Paul Smith, Marble and slate resin
Animals and Birds
Diving Gannets by Simon Griffiths
£2,808 inc VATSimon Griffiths, Diving Gannets, Stoneware on Board
Andrew Sinclair
The Minotaur by Andrew Sinclair
£21,000 inc VATThe magnificent design was originally commissioned by the late great poet Felix Dennis, in 2012. The original now stands in bronze at Felix Dennis’s memorial garden The Garden Of Heroes and Villains.
You could own this bronze resin sculpture of the ancient Greek monster, half-man and half-bull, featuring all the detail and character of the original. This inviting, mythical creature makes a statement and would look wonderful in a home, garden or labyrinth, enticing visitors to enter – if they dare! -
Animals and Birds
Giant Iguana by David Cooke
£5,700 inc VATDavid Cooke, Giant Iguana, Bronze Resin
Andrew Sinclair
Pre-Hysteric by Andrew Sinclair
£8,640 inc VATAndrew Sinclair, Born 1961, Pre-Hysteric, Bronze on Stone Plinth, Signed , 183cm high,
Animals and Birds
Bull Walking by Elaine Peto
£1,224 inc VATElaine Peto, Bull Walking, Stoneware, Unique, 62 cms long, by 39 cms high
Howling Wolf by William Harling
£4,248 inc VATWilliam Harling, Howling Wolf, Bronze Resin, 88 cms high by 48 cms wide