Performing Arts
Performing arts sculptures represent the form of creative expression that involves individuals or groups using their bodies, voices, or objects to perform in front of a live audience. The category encompasses music, either vocal or instrumental, dance, theatre, and also opera, magic, mime, spoken word, recitation, and public speaking. Performing art sculptures make a wonderful addition to the home of any performer.
Animals and Birds
Elephant Balancing on Ball by Jim Unsworth
£2,340 inc VATElephant Balancing on Ball by Jim Unsworth, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Elephant Teetering on Ball by Jim Unsworth
£1,800 inc VATElephant Teetering on Ball by Jim Unsworth, Bronze
Some Body to Dance (Female) by Chris Mungandaire
£7,500 inc VATSome Body to Dance (Female) by Chris Mungandaire, Springstone
Unique Springstone sculpture of a female torso. The stone is black in colour and polished smooth.
Some Body Dance With Me (Male) by Chris Mungandaire
£7,500 inc VATSome Body Dance With Me (Male) by Chris Mungandaire, Springstone
Unique Springstone sculpture of a male torso in a dance pose
I Spirit by Teresa Wells
£29,000 inc VATI Spirit by Teresa Wells, Bronze on Stone covered base
Life size bronze sculpture of a female figure suspended in the air, with her spine arched over and head thrown back.
Ritual Dance by Jonathan Clarke
£2,592 inc VATRitual Dance by Jonathan Clarke, Sand Cast Aluminium
Unique, modern, abstract sand cast aluminium sculpture. A flat base holds two horn shaped metal levers.
Animals and Birds
Circus Seal by David Norris
£3,540 inc VATCircus Seal by David Norris, Bronze
Bronze sculpture of a circus seal balancing a ball on its nose
Piroutte by Isaac Kahn
£1,440 inc VATPiroutte by Isaac Kahn, Bronze Sculpture on Marble base
Lost in Tango by Jacques Vanroose
£1,560 inc VATLost in Tango by Jacques Vanroose, Bronze
Bronze sculpture of three figures set on rectangular corten steel frames. Two figures are dancing a tango together while the other we see dancing alone.
The Flamenco Dancers by Sergio Rossi
£1,080 inc VATSergio Rossi,The Flamenco Dancers, Murano Glass on a Black Marble base
Caught in Time by Dorothy Brook
£12,960 inc VATDorothy Brook, Caught in Time, Resin, 1 from an edition of 9, 220cms high, 180cms wide by 75cms deep.