Insects sculptures at The Sculpture Park include beetles, ants, wasps and bees, butterflies, moths and flies and cicadas. We have also included snails, slugs and worms although these do not make such popular sculptures!
Animals and Birds
Dragonfly by Clare Tupman
£18,000 inc VATDragonfly by Clare Tupman, Bronze and Stainless Steel
Giant Spider by Nick Burns
£1,140 inc VATGiant Spider by Nick Burns, Found Objects , Steel
Animals and Birds
Tok Tokkie Beetle by Sue White-Oaks
£1,680 inc VATTok Tokkie Beetle by Sue White-Oaks, Copper
Ceramic Wasp Cocoons by Anon Unknown
£1,440 inc VATCeramic Wasp Cocoons by Anon Unknown, Ceramic, Wood
Animals and Birds
Praying Mantis by Anon Unknown
£5,400 inc VATPraying Mantis by Anon Unknown, Bronze
Ready for take off (Dragonfly) by Matt Wass
£9,600 inc VATReady for take off (Dragonfly) by Matt Wass, Mixed Metal,
Animals and Birds
Let Your Light Shine by Tinei Mashaya
£2,400 inc VATLet Your Light Shine by Tinei Mashaya, Springstone
Animals and Birds
Shield Weevil by Nik Burns
£1,140 inc VATShield Weevil by Nik Burns, Walbut Burr, Steel, Wood
Animals and Birds
Adolescent Stag Beetle by Martin Scorey
£1,200 inc VATAdolescent Stag Beetle by Martin Scorey, Scorched Douglas Fir & Hooves and Antler
Animals and Birds
Sun Canopy II by Ruth Moilliet
£30,000 inc VATSun Canopy II by Ruth Moilliet, Unique
Unique stainless steel and anodized aluminium sculpture of a giant umbrella constructed with coloured flowers.
Animals and Birds
Composition 3 papillons (Butterfly Trio) by Danu
£15,264 inc VATComposition 3 papillons (Butterfly Trio) by Danu, Stove Enamelled Heavy Gauge Steel
Animals and Birds
Chrysalis by Glenn Morris
£9,600 inc VATChrysalis by Glenn Morris, Black Kilkenny Limestone on Ancaster stone base
Animals and Birds
Stag Beetle by Martin Scorey
£1,800 inc VATStag Beetle by Martin Scorey, Antlers, Hoves, Wood & Steel
All Sculpture
Chrysalis by Kim Francis
£4,200 inc VATChrysalis by Kim Francis, Carrara Marble & Stainless Steel
Animals and Birds
Flying Stag Beetle
£1,152 inc VATFlying Stag Beetle by Anon , Stainless Steel on Canvas
Animals and Birds
Auralian by Glenn Morris
£4,740 inc VATAuralian by Glenn Morris, Bronze on Ancaster stone base
Bronze sculpture of a giant chrysalis mounted on top of an Ancaster stone box which contains a butterfly
Animals and Birds
Giant Tarantula II by Wilfred Pritchard
£28,080 inc VATGiant Tarantula II by Wilfred Pritchard, Mild Steel, Spider Sculpture
Animals and Birds
Luna Moth Chrysalis by Maylee Christie
£8,640 inc VATMaylee Christie, Luna Moth Chrysalis, Glass and Jewel Mosaic