Wilfred Pritchard

Wilfred Pritchard is a sculptor that has a very eclectic approach to artwork, his work looks at the witty, macabre and the controversial. He has produced a number of works that has seen skeletons in bizarre, humorous and iconic situations. His bronze works are well crafted and beautiful, the use of the skeleton in bronze is representational of the contrast between strong and fragile which when represented as a skeleton figure in a witty balance over a gymnastics box presents a finished piece that is both funny and clever. His use of wit is cleverly portrayed and gives the audience a sense of disbelief and befuddlement as such a traditional medium has been used in a traditional manner to create something with humour at its core.

Pritchard also works by sourcing animal and bird skeletons and placing them in humorous situations where photography often intervenes. By juxtaposing the skeletons into situations whereby the humour may be projected by the clever use of composition and props or location it creates a witty piece of work that the audience can’t help but enjoy.

Pritchard has also produced works where he has found a beautiful object and developed it into a sculpture with the application of bronze. For instance the very intriguing French press that has been transformed into a ‘balloon press’, giving a touch of humour whilst maintaining the existing attraction to the press alone. By taking objects and simply reworking them to bring them back into existence Pritchard is blurring the boundary that has started to form between ‘hands on’ objects and the mechanical. By giving the old fashioned or more traditional method based objects or tools a new lease on life he has caused this friction between the relationship we have between these objects and the more contemporary mechanical or smart technology. This friction is apparent for everyone in some aspect of life and is ever growing, by exploring this within the work and exposing the beauty of these objects and using them in a new exploration of ‘up-cycling’ we begin to appreciate what we have forgotten to hold on to.

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