
Dada sculptures are part of the Dada art movement, which was a reaction to World War I and the horrors of modern society: 

  • Readymades
    A sculptural form perfected by Marcel Duchamp, readymades are made from found or factory-made objects that are repurposed into installations. Fountain (1917) is one of the most recognizable readymades, incorporating a mass-produced ceramic urinal.
  • Collage
    Jean Arp was a sculptor who pioneered Dadaism by exploring the art of collage.
  • Photomontage
    Man Ray experimented with photography and airbrushing to distance the artist’s hand and incorporate chance.
Other characteristics of Dada art include: 

  • Non-traditional materials
  • Satire and nonsensical content
  • Group collaboration
  • Spontaneity
  • Chance
  • Irreverence
The Dada movement was founded in Zurich by writer Hugo Ball, who started a satirical nightclub called the Cabaret Voltaire in 1916. The movement spread internationally and eventually influenced the development of surrealism in Paris. 

The origin of the name “Dada” is unclear, but some believe it’s a nonsensical word. Others think it comes from the Romanian artists Tristan Tzara and Marcel Janco’s frequent use of the words “da, da,” which means “yes, yes” in Romanian. 
  • Bronze Skeleton Sculpture Playing a French Horn. Photo with artist

    Brassed Away by Wilfred Pritchard

    £23,400 inc VAT

    Brassed Away by Wilfred Pritchard, Bronze, Antique French Horn,

  • A humorous sculpture of a bronze skeleton holding onto a vintage petrol pump.
    All Sculpture

    Petrol Head by Wilfred Pritchard

    £18,000 inc VAT

    Petrol Crisis by Wilfred Pritchard, Bronze on Antique Petroliana Gilbert and Butler Type 299 self measuring pump,

  • A surrealism sculpture of a tall bird stood alongside a skeleton version of itself.
    Animals and Birds

    Fine Feathers make Fine Birds No. 7 by Wilfred Pritchard

    £7,200 inc VAT

    Fine Feathers make Fine Birds No. 7 by Wilfred Pritchard, Various

  • Bronze sculpture of a group of five skeletons in a circle, holding hands. They appear to be laughing and dancing.

    Celebration by Wilfred Pritchard

    £34,800 inc VAT

    Celebration by Wilfred Pritchard, Bronze

    Bronze sculpture of a group of five skeletons in a circle, holding hands. They appear to be laughing and dancing.

  • A realism bronze sculpture of a large anchor with a rat and mouse climbing on top of it.
    Animals and Birds

    Stowaways by Wilfred Pritchard

    £25,920 inc VAT

    Stowaways by Wilfred Pritchard, Bronze

  • A figurative wooden sculpture of a stag beetle with deer antlers and hooves.
    Animals and Birds

    Stag Beetle by Martin Scorey

    £1,800 inc VAT

    Stag Beetle by Martin Scorey, Antlers, Hoves, Wood & Steel

  • A figurative bronze sculpture of a group of three skeletons with one balancing on top of the other two.

    Acrobats by Wilfred Pritchard

    £21,600 inc VAT

    Bronze , Metal | Signed Unique

  • A figurative bronze and steel sculpture of a skeleton with their arm caught in a rolling press.

    Mangle by Wilfred Pritchard

    £23,400 inc VAT

    Bronze , Metal , Steel | Unique

  • Unique sculpture made from the skeleton of a bird with a textile cape draped around it to look like Count Dracula.
    Animals and Birds

    The Count Dracula by Wilfred Pritchard

    £2,880 inc VAT

    The Count Dracula by Wilfred Pritchard, Taxidermy , Glass

    Unique sculpture made from the skeleton of a bird with a textile cape draped around it to look like Count Dracula.

  • Unique sculpture of the skeleton of a vulture leaning over a bowl of berries. Bone and resin in a glass display case
    Animals and Birds

    The Wrong Diet by Wilfred Pritchard

    £4,032 inc VAT

    The Wrong Diet by Wilfred Pritchard, Taxidermy , Glass

    Unique sculpture of the skeleton of a vulture leaning over a bowl of berries. Bone and resin in a glass display case

  • Unique sculpture of the skeleton of a vulture leaning over a bowl of fruit. Bone and resin in a glass display case.
    Animals and Birds

    The Wrong Diet II by Wilfred Pritchard

    £3,024 inc VAT

    The Wrong Diet II by Wilfred Pritchard, Taxidermy , Glass

    Unique sculpture of the skeleton of a vulture leaning over a bowl of fruit. Bone and resin in a glass display case.

  • A figurative bronze sculpture of a skeleton with their left foot caught in a bear trap.

    Man Trap by Wilfred Pritchard

    £12,960 inc VAT

    Man Trap by Wilfred Pritchard, Bronze , Metal , Found Object , Steel , Various

  • Unique sculpture of a skeleton holding two giant funnels to its ears. Made from bronze, steel and found objects.

    I Beg Your Pardon by Wilfred Pritchard

    £11,400 inc VAT

    I Beg Your Pardon by Wilfred Pritchard, Bronze , Metal , Found Object , Steel , Various

    Unique sculpture of a skeleton holding two giant funnels to its ears. Made from bronze, steel and found objects.

  • Unique sculpture of a person made from bones from the river Thames. Displayed in an acrylic cabinet.

    Boneman by Austin Emery

    £2,448 inc VAT

    Boneman by Austin Emery, Other , Various , Wood

    Unique sculpture of a person made from bones from the river Thames. Displayed in an acrylic cabinet.


  • Life size Bronze Skeleton Sculpture Balancing on the Vertebrae of a Whale
    Animals and Birds

    Whale Bone Balance by Wilfred Pritchard

    £11,400 inc VAT

    Wilfred Pritchard, Born 1970, Whale Bone Balance, Signed and numbered 2 from an edition of 3, 170cms;67ins high by 157cms;62ins wide

  • Bronze Life Size Sculpture of a Skeleton Doing a Back flip on a Gymnastic Pommel Horse

    Backflip by Wilfred Pritchard

    £21,600 inc VAT

    We will be adding details soon about Wilfred Pritchard – Backflip to this website, for any more information please contact Eddie Powell on 07831 500 506.

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