Noah Taylor

Arts Award Advisor (Gold) – Real Ideas Organisation
PGCE Design & Technology – University College of St. Mark and St. John
City & Guilds – 730/731 Teaching Certificate – Cornwall College
City & Gulids Welding Technology – Hereford College of Art & Design
Blacksmiths Trade Test – Hereford College of Art & Design
BA (1st Hons) Fine Art Sculpture – Ravensbourne College of Art & Design

Crafts Resource Manager, Plymouth College of Art 2014 – present dayPart-time Lecturer HE Contemporary Crafts, Plymouth College of Art 2012 – 2014
Director (non-remunerated) Flameworks Creative Arts Facility 1998 – 2013
Part-time Lecturer (Art History & 3D/Sculpture), Cornwall College 2002-12
Workshop Supervisor/Part-time Lecturer, Plymouth College of Art & Design – 1990-1994
Metalwork Consultant – Danny Lane Studios, London 1988 – 1990
Developed prototype mini-hydroelectric turbine – Hydropower Zimbabwe 1988
Artist, Designer/Maker – 1986 – present day
Shop design and fitting – Wiesbaden, Germany, 1983-1984

My work reflects a range of interest over a variety of subjects, none of which, I must admit, to examining in any great academic depth, preferring instead (or perhaps merely being guilty of indolence) to jump about freely from one thing to another, noting something, or not, and then off to the next interesting destination and hopefully, eventually, serendipitously, to make what is for me at any rate, some creative connections which in turn lead to inspiration becoming manifest. If I were an insect I would be a Grasshopper rather than an Ant. I would rather know a little about a lot of things than a lot about a few things…
I find myself drawn to all sorts: antiques and architecture, metal, wood and glass, stone and tools, lightning, wheels and road-side shrines, furniture, sculpture, the Renaissance and Art Deco, paintings and planes, trains and automobiles, islands and deserts, museums and clear blue skies…

Noah Taylor sculpture for sale from The Sculpture Park is detailed below:

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