‘Dinning Out’ by Alan Williams

‘Dinning Out’ is a unique reclaimed metal sculpture that is mostly comprised of spoons and forks as well as found metal, as expressed in the witty title; it is a powerful sculpture that plays with materials to explore mark and light. Williams’ works are most commonly animal and nature based subjects that allow him to demonstrate a keen observation of visual aesthetics, he strives to capture the life and character of his subject which makes each piece highly unique.

This piece has concentrated on the form of the eagle in flight, suggested by the title that it is hunting the eyes are narrowed and focused as it searches. The broad spread wings are cleverly crafted from layering spoons to express the texture of the bird’s feathers on the underside while the strong, sharp blades of metal exude from the wings to give length and suggest the recognisable long feathers that the eagle shows in flight.

Williams has cleverly used the forks in the neck and body of the eagle to show the tighter looking feathers that birds possess along the neck, the thick bunching of plumage that nestles to the body has been executed brilliantly in the prongs on the forks to keep a repeating pattern flowing through the work. The strong feet clasp on to the base reflected with thick bicycle chains contorting which forms the recognisable claws of the bird. Adjoining the feet, the legs have been crafted from cogs and bicycle gears which have been fused to give a jagged appearance, expressing the ruffled feathers in a sharp way. His cleverness and wit have been explored in this piece and shown in the construction of a beautiful yet funny finished piece.

The visual language is concise throughout allowing viewers to experience the skill of the work as well as the banter that the artist has applied by selecting such materials and using them in ways that plays with the subject and the reading of the final piece. The use of found objects in art has been seen for many years and has often be found wanting, Williams’ work is a transformational piece that takes everyday mundane objects and turns them into a beautiful piece of art that transcends the boundaries between art and craft.

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