The Miraculous Arrival by Land and Sea of the Saint into the West by Noah Taylor

£10,800 inc VAT

Availability: 1 in stock

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The Miraculous Arrival by Land and Sea of the Saint into the West by Noah Taylor, Forged and fabricated steel

Artists Statement: ‘The work alludes to the mythical ways by which certain Saints during the early centuries AD visited these shores to spread Christianity. Millstones, leaves and other fantastical craft were employed. Referring to our modern world, this version has similarities to a Windsurfer, Stand Up Paddle Board, Windcart and Skateboard. The Saint steering his way into the Westcountry bears resemblance to the logo of the iconic 60???s television series. He, like his ship, is only partially incorporated adding to the mystery???’

The Miraculous Arrival by Land and Sea of the Saint into the West by Noah Taylor, Forged and fabricated steel, Unique, 250cm high by 230cm wide by 70cm deep, Body, Man, Religion, Nautical, Ship, Boat, sculpture

A surreal steel sculpture of a boat with wheels.

Weight 200 kg
Dimensions 70 x 230 x 250 (Depth x Width x Height)

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