Steel sculpture art began in the early 20th century and often uses recycled steel. Modern sculptures are usually large and are either assembled or welded.
Euphorbia Ferrum (Iron Euphorbia) by Noah Taylor
£3,100 inc VATEuphorbia Ferrum (Iron Euphorbia) by Noah Taylor, Formed, fabricated and plasma cut steel section, finished with Owatrol oil and pigments
Aloe Hierro (Iron Aloe) by Noah Taylor
£3,600 inc VATAloe Hierro (Iron Aloe) by Noah Taylor, Formed, fabricated steel section and spheres, finished with Owatrol oil and pigments
Animals and Birds
Zion (Dragon Sculpture) by Graham H Chaplin
£8,000 inc VATZion (Dragon Sculpture) by Graham H Chaplin, Zinc, Iron,
Animals and Birds
Playing with Fire by Graham H Chaplin
£14,400 inc VATPlaying with Fire by Graham H Chaplin, Galvanised forged steel
DIY Public Sculpture Kit (PSK) – ‘Grounded’ by Francis Thorburn
£10,800 inc VATDIY Public Sculpture Kit (PSK) – ‘Grounded’ by Francis Thorburn, Steel
DIY Public Sculpture Kit (PSK) 1 by Francis Thorburn
£10,800 inc VATDIY Public Sculpture Kit (PSK) 1 by Francis Thorburn, Steel
DIY Public Sculpture Kit (PSK) – LARGE by Francis Thorburn
£36,000 inc VATDIY Public Sculpture Kit (PSK) – LARGE by Francis Thorburn, Steel
Bird in Flight by Woodcutter
£7,800 inc VATBird in Flight by Woodcutter, Bronze on Steel Base
Rotherham Heads by Mark Goodchild
£3,300 inc VATRotherham Heads by Mark Goodchild, Steel
Motorcycle and Side-Car (1981) by Sean Rice
£1,920 inc VATMotorcycle and Side-Car (1981) by Sean Rice, Bronze , Steel
Abstract Composition (Wall Hanging) by Michael Lyons
£954 inc VATAbstract Composition (Wall Hanging) by Michael Lyons, Steel
20th Century
Untitled (1998) by Michael Gillespie
£540 inc VATUntitled (1998) by Michael Gillespie, Coated Steel
Breaking Ground (2014) by Michele Mathison
£12,500 inc VATBreaking Ground (2014) by Michele Mathison, Steel , Enamel
Alistair Bennett
Hope (Steel – 2020) by Alistair Bennett (Ali B)
£900 inc VATHope (Steel – 2020) by Alistair Bennett (Ali B), Steel , Bronze
Giant Spider by Nick Burns
£1,140 inc VATGiant Spider by Nick Burns, Found Objects , Steel
A giant spider sculpture in the style of steam punk. This piece is made out of steel and found items.
Molten Metals IV by John Bates
£1,140 inc VATMolten Metals IV by John Bates, Stainless Steel , Steel , Wood
A stainless steel contemporary sculpture showing abstract shapes balanced on top of each other and set on a wooden plinth.
Anon Unknown
Saint Francis of Assisi
£72,000 inc VATSaint Francis of Assisi, Bronze, Steel
Monumental bronze figurative sculpture of Francis of Assisi, deep in thought.
Animals and Birds
Boxing Hares Silhouette by Anon Unknown
£200 inc VATBoxing Hares Silhouette by Anon Unknown, Steel
Animals and Birds
Bar-tailed Godwit by Gordon Griffiths
£1,440 inc VATBar-tailed Godwit by Gordon Griffiths, Steel
Freedom by Steve Wood and Clive Morris
£450,000 inc VATFreedom by Steve Wood and Clive Morris, Bronze
Anon Unknown
Big Time! A Monumental Skeleton Clock
£24,000 inc VATMonumental Skeleton Clock by Anon Unknown, Steel
Juggernaut of Nought by Richard Trupp
£36,000 inc VATJuggernaut of Nought by Richard Trupp, Waxed Steel
Dandelion Clock by Jenny Pickford
£14,400 inc VATDandelion Clock by Jenny Pickford, Steel, Blown Glass
Relic by Simon Probyn and Gavin Roweth
£6,600 inc VATRelic by Simon Probyn and Gavin Roweth, Steel, Portland Stone
Red Planet by Simon Smolesworth
£1,368 inc VATRed Planet by Simon Smolesworth , Steel, Wood
Animals and Birds
Who Invited The Owl Man by David Cooke
£5,400 inc VATWho Invited The Owl Man by David Cooke, Steel, Resin
French Pressed Balloon by Wilfred Pritchard
£7,200 inc VATFrench Pressed Balloon by Wilfred Pritchard, Steel, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Farmer Rabbit by Darby and Jones
£1,020 inc VATFarmer Rabbit by Darby and Jones, Ceramic, Recycled Steel
Animals and Birds
Flying Frenchie by Darby and Jones
£1,020 inc VATFlying Frenchie by Darby and Jones, Ceramic, Steel
Animals and Birds
Fastest Hare in Town by Darby and Jones
£1,020 inc VATFastest Hare in Town by Darby and Jones, Steel (Fire extinguisher and engine), Ceramic