Contemporary sculpture is a dynamic art form that reflects the present day through a variety of materials and techniques. It’s a critical part of modern art discussions, and is characterized by its diversity, experimentation, and ability to challenge the concept of three-dimensional art.
- Materials: Artists use a wide range of materials, including plastic, glass, textiles, technology, water, and light. This is a shift from the traditional materials of stone, marble, and bronze.
- Techniques: Artists experiment with new techniques and digital media.
- Space: Sculptures are often designed for public or natural spaces, and can temporarily transform a place.
- Meaning: Contemporary sculptures often convey emotions that prompt viewers to reflect on the meaning of the creation and its place in the world.
- Social issues: Contemporary artists use figurative or abstract representation to reflect on societal issues.
- Interaction: Contemporary sculpture can engage audiences in interactive experiences.
Giant Root Console Table by Mother Nature
£4,800 inc VATGiant Root Console Table by Mother Nature, Wood
Animals and Birds
Eagle by Dennis Jones
£1,074 inc VATEagle by Dennis Jones, Bronze
Realistic sculpture of a bronze eagle landing with its wings splayed outwards.
Animals and Birds
Dolphin Over Waves by AR Wharton Dietrich Faust Lang
£1,440 inc VATDolphin Over Waves by AR Wharton Dietrich Faust Lang, Wood
Animals and Birds
Giant Hand-Carved Root Lion by Anon. Unknown
£9,600 inc VATGiant Hand-Carved Root Lion by Anon. Unknown, Wood
Femme de Marrakech (Mid-20th Century) After Céline Lepage
£2,640 inc VATFemme de Marrakech (Mid-20th Century) After Céline Lepage, Bronze
Bust of a Young Man by Sylvester Mubayi
£1,440 inc VATBust of a Young Man by Sylvester Mubayi, Stone
Three Figures by Stephen Broadbent
£3,900 inc VATThree Figures by Stephen Broadbent, Bronze , Stone
Teak Root Throne 5 by Mother Nature
£2,160 inc VATTeak Root Throne 5 by Mother Nature, Wood
Teak Root Throne 4 by Mother Nature
£2,640 inc VATTeak Root Throne 4 by Mother Nature, Wood
Rain (Water feature) by Lyudmila Konstantinouvna Strel Chenko
£19,800 inc VATRain (Water feature) by Lyudmila Konstantinouvna Strel Chenko, Bronze
Adviser by Jonathan Mhondorohuma
£1,140 inc VATAdviser by Jonathan Mhondorohuma, Stone
Shona sculpture of a black stone figure with a bald head, sat with his right leg crossed over his left. He has his eyes closed as if to show him contently listening.
Animals and Birds
Lady Godiva (Large) by Isaac Kahn
£32,400 inc VATLady Godiva (Large) by Isaac Kahn, Bronze on Marble Base
Large bronze sculpture depicting an abstract horse and rider. The horse is walking with it’s head down and the rider is laying down on top.
Morning Love by Antonio Lopez Reche
£4,800 inc VATMorning Love by Antonio Lopez Reche, Bronze
Couple Embracing (Wall Hanging) by Zack Zaltzman
£1,140 inc VATCouple Embracing (Wall Hanging) by Zack Zaltzman, Bronze , Stone
Sculpture depicting bronze abstract shapes on a black canvas.
Two Reclining Figures (Jesmonite) by Shenda Amery
£834 inc VATTwo Reclining Figures (Jesmonite) by Shenda Amery, Stone Resin
Animals and Birds
Anteater Walking (1997) by Sallie Wakley
£1,020 inc VATAnteater Walking (1997) by Sallie Wakley, Ceramic
A realistic sculpture depicting an anteater walking.
Abstract in Silver and Green (Wall Hanging) by Russell Platt
£432 inc VATAbstract in Silver and Green (Wall Hanging) by Russell Platt, Ceramic , Various , Wood
Abstract Face (2006) by Nicholas Moreton
£3,600 inc VATAbstract Face (2006) by Nicholas Moreton, Marble
Abstract Composition (Wall Hanging) by Michael Lyons
£954 inc VATAbstract Composition (Wall Hanging) by Michael Lyons, Steel
20th Century
Untitled (1998) by Michael Gillespie
£540 inc VATUntitled (1998) by Michael Gillespie, Coated Steel
Dancer (1993) by Michael Gillespie
£3,000 inc VATDancer (1993) by Michael Gillespie, Bronze
Couple Dancing (Bath Stone) by Keith Newstead
£1,140 inc VATCouple Dancing (Bath Stone) by Keith Newstead, Stone , Wood
Curved Abstract Form by John Tonks
£624 inc VATCurved Abstract Form by John Tonks, Wood , Stone
Animals and Birds
Ram (1973) by John Mulvey
£2,160 inc VATRam (1973) by John Mulvey, Bronze , Marble
Lady in Dress with Outstreched Arms by In the Manner of Ferdinand Preis
£250 inc VATLady in Dress with Outstreched Arms In the Manner of Ferdinand Preis , Bronze
Animals and Birds
Bird With Open Wings by Hattakitkosol Somchai
£714 inc VATBird With Open Wings by Hattakitkosol Somchai, Bronze , Wood
A bronze sculpture of a golden bird with a long neck, leaning down with its wings open.
Portrait of a Young Child by Franta Belsky
£1,020 inc VATPortrait of a Young Child by Franta Belsky, Plaster
A portrait sculpture of a young child’s head with a stoic expression, made of plaster painted to give the appearance of bronze. Signed and set on a marble base.
20th Century
20th Century Mother and Child by 20th Century English School
£780 inc VAT20th Century Mother and Child by 20th Century English School , Bronze
Two Piece-Pierced I by Eli Ilan
£2,160 inc VATTwo Piece-Pierced I by Eli Ilan, Bronze , Marble
An abstract shaped sculpture with a gold accents on the corners, on a marble base.
Devil Head by Anon. Unknown
£1,140 inc VATDevil Head by Anon. Unknown, Bronze
Bronze sculpture of a faceless head with its neck turned as if looking right at you. This bust has 2 horns on top of it’s head.
Andre Harvey
River Shadows (Manitees) by Andre Harvey
£2,160 inc VATRiver Shadows (Manitees) by Andre Harvey, Bronze
Mother and Child by Stella Shawzin
£2,394 inc VATMother and Child II by Stella Shawzin, Bronze
An abstract sculpture depicting a maternal figure laying on her side with a small baby in her arm. This is a bronze sculpture with green patination, set on a wooden base.
Twistin’ By The Pool Water Feature by Malcolm Robertson
£78,000 inc VATTwistin’ By The Pool Water Feature by Malcolm Robertson, Stainless Steel
A large contemporary stainless steel sculpture showing steel blades positioned on top of each other to give the impression that the sculpture is twisting. At the top there is a steel spike pointing upwards.
Animals and Birds
Old Man of the Forest (Male Orangutan) by Lucy Kinsella
£24,000 inc VATOld Man of the Forest (Male Orangutan) by Lucy Kinsella, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Sheep With Two Lambs by John Cox
£7,140 inc VATSheep With Two Lambs by John Cox, Bronze
Animals and Birds
Two Marlins Water Feature by John Cox
£5,700 inc VATTwo Marlins Water Feature by John Cox, Bronze
A bronze sculpture of two realistic looking Marlins with their heads looking upwards. This sculpture is a water feature,
Alistair Bennett
Hope (Walnut – 2020) by Alistair Bennett (Ali B)
£900 inc VATHope (Walnut – 2020) by Alistair Bennett (Ali B), Wood, Bronze