Search Results for: andrew sinclair

A figurative bronze resin sculpture of a lady riding on top of a Struthiomimus dinosaur.

Pre-Hysteric by Andrew Sinclair

This 11-foot, bronze resin, surreal creation depicts a nude rider aboard a dinosaur.
And what inspired this fantasy piece? In the artists words:
“Sadly or gladly, I never grew out of my fascination for dinosaurs and promised myself that one day I would sculpt one. During a brief respite in my usual busy routine I realized this ambition and sculpted a rather obscure dinosaur called a Struthiomimus; a very gracile and elegant creature that is popularly known as an ???Ostrich mimic???. Having sculpted the extinct creature came the question of  ‘What to do with it now?’. After some thought the bizarre idea of putting a lady riding upon it, in a sense of panic, came to mind. It makes a very strange, humorous and surreal sculpture. The technical aspect of actually making the sculpture stand is considerable, as the supporting leg is so thin but it is this that helps make the sculpture so full of movement.”

Pre-Hysteric by Andrew Sinclair Read More »

bronze resin sculpture of the ancient Greek monster The Minotaur, half-man and half-bull

The Minotaur by Andrew Sinclair

The magnificent design was originally commissioned by the late great poet Felix Dennis, in 2012. The original now stands in bronze at Felix Dennis’s memorial garden The Garden Of Heroes and Villains.
You could own this bronze resin sculpture of the ancient Greek monster, half-man and half-bull, featuring all the detail and character of the original. This inviting, mythical creature makes a statement and would look wonderful in a home, garden or labyrinth, enticing visitors to enter – if they dare!

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Andrew Sinclair

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Andrew has lived in South Africa and worked in Europe and is influenced by the great classical sculptors of the renaissance. He lists the Earl and Countess of Leicester, Oldham City Council, Christopher Moran of Crosby Hall, publisher Felix Dennis, Georgio Logothetis of Lomar Shipping, Royal Ascot racecourse and Royal Caribbean amongst his clients.

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